Case Studies

University of Amsterdam

Reflection and development for novice teachers

Location: Amsterdam

Established: 1632

Academic Staff: 2,400

Students: 31,200

Reflection and Development for Novice Teachers

The University of Amsterdam is the largest institution of its kind in The Netherlands.

We spoke to Anne Bannink from the University’s English Language and Culture Department about how their students, pre-service and in-service novice teachers, are using VEO to record and reflect on their own lesson delivery

VEO is allowing students to annotate their own classes and share their videos with peers for feedback.

Tutors have also been using the platform to replace face to face feedback sessions during the pandemic. Whilst saving time, it’s also enhancing student’s understanding of how they can put their tutor’s feedback into action and improve their teaching practice.

What we particularly like about VEO is that it allows you to create your own tag sets. Also, it allows you to jump from one moment to the next so it’s very structured.

Anne Bannink

Enhanced Teacher Reflection

VEO has helped the University’s trainee teachers to reflect on their teaching abilities in a way that wasn’t possible before. “We wanted a digital tool that would make it easier for our students to annotate their classes and share them with peers”, Anne said.

“VEO makes this easy for students. They can share videos and comment on the work of their peers which encourages more peer-to-peer learning.”

VEO’s video tagging tool allows self-reflection to be extremely focused by highlighting key moments in the video.

Saving Tutor Time

Tutors have replaced face to face feedback meetings with VEO which saves them time as feedback can be given asynchronously.

It also allows feedback to be focused on very specific moments in the student’s videos. This gives novice teachers a better understanding of exactly how they can improve their practice next time they’re in the classroom.

“Students appreciate the notes feature as people can use it for comments, questions, or asking for solutions to a problem they’re having.”

Lecture Delivery

As well as students using VEO to record their skills, Anne told us that the team plan to use VEO for course delivery in future too.

“We plan to start using VEO for online lectures through Zoom. We’ll record our Zoom lectures and upload them to VEO. We can then tag them so that students can easily navigate to the information they want to access when they come to revisit the lecture content.”

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