Episode 15

The Operative Skills Teaching Environment with Professor James Field

In this episode, we speak with James about the Operative Skills Teaching Environment and how innovations in this area have transformed education over time.

Professor James Field is Professor of Restorative Dentistry and Dental Education at Cardiff University. Alongside this role, James also works as Director of Learning and Teaching and Director of Digital Education for the School of Dentistry. James is also a National Teaching Fellow and has worked extensively with other universities here in the UK and internationally to reform curriculum as the Global Lead for Shaping The Future of Dental Education: Interprofessional Education.


In this episode, I speak with James about the Operative Skills Teaching Environment and how innovations in this area have transformed education over time. I also lean on James to explicate how he thinks changes to this environment will impact dentistry education going forward.


Links mentioned in the episode:

In the episode, we touch briefly on some of the research papers James has contributed on below: