Upload a video
Before you can start reflecting, you first need to upload a video. From here you can begin tagging, commenting and sharing your video with colleagues.
Video Tagging
Tagging key moments in videos allows you to give and receive rich, focused feedback. Discuss and highlight what’s gone well, and talk about where improvements can be made.
Video Review
Identify faults, share best practice, and gain insight into different perspectives by using the tag session function on the VEO app.
Stats explained
VEO’s in-depth video stats come directly from the tags used in a video. By viewing a video’s stats, you can get clear and quick indications of what went well and what can be improved.
AI insights
Gather the insights that are important to you with VEO’s Automatic AI analysis. It only takes a few clicks to get rich subject analysis, interaction patterns and dialogue transcripts from the VEO app.