How to use VEO
Initial Teacher Training
A practice-based, blended solution to effective teacher training.

Train remotely
Interact with videos of teaching practice
Microteaching sessions
Continued teacher development
Remote teacher training
VEO allows your institution to design your PGCE course to focus on teaching practice before students enter the classroom.
While access to classrooms is uncertain, VEO offers an effective solution to kick-starting initial teacher training safely and effectively.
Newcastle University is one of the institutions adopting this method of teacher training. Here are some of the ways in which they’re applying VEO.

Interact with videos of teaching practice
Course tutors upload videos for trainees to explore classroom dynamics and understand specific techniques in action. Supporting documents and learning materials can also be uploaded alongside the videos in the VEO platform to increase understanding.
Tutors can pose questions on specific moments in the videos. This encourages trainees to comment on the videos and discuss aspects like lesson pacing and benefits.
This also introduces teachers to the VEO platform and how they can collaborate on videos and share resources on the platform throughout the duration of their course.

VEO can increase the learning that trainees take from microteaching sessions during their initial teacher training.
Trainees can record the lessons they deliver to their peers – or online – to revisit for focused self-reflection.
Videos can be shared with their peers for comments, and with tutors for actionable feedback on how to improve practice before even entering the classroom.

Continued teacher development
Trainees record themselves delivering lessons and share them with peers and tutors for focused feedback. Tags highlighting key moments allow them to see exactly where they can improve, and implement positive changes the very next time they enter the classroom
This process is repeated throughout the course for accelerated trainee development and understanding. Tutor feedback is based on a rounded picture of trainees’ practice and trainees’ reflections, built up over the course of the placement, rather than based on individual lessons.
Video recordings can also replace some in-classroom observation which saves tutors significant amounts of travel time and expense.